Monday, September 19, 2011

Learning Log 7

After so much rehearsals for our Romeo & Juliet performances, I have learnt how to cooperate and communicate with my group members. During the rehearsals, we faced lots of problems but overcame them. At first, everyone find it hard to cooperate with the director, who kept changing the rehearsal dates. Also, on the actual performance date, he did not bring his props and costumes he was suppose to. Mrs Woo changed the director and much progress was made, as we had more but flexible rehearsal time, so we can make props and rehearse properly.

The day before my class' performance, we watched 2 Commitment's play, which was fantastic! Their actions and feelings were all well coordinated, and they did not really forget their lines.

During the performances, my group mates and I were quite nervous as many people were watching us perform. Some of our group members did forget some lines, but thankfully other members helped out.

I recommend this performance to my juniors, which can help them bond more with their classmates, as well as learning how to cooperate well with them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6

I have learnt about basic and advanced literary devices, and are common structures used in writing. 

Some of the basic literary devices are Simile, personification and rhythm.
Simile is a comparison between two distinctly different things, indicated by the use of 'like' and 'as'. Personification is the attribution of human beings to inanimate objects, and rhythm is the beat of stresses when reading a passage or poem. 

Examples of advanced literary devices are oxymoron, paradox and hyperbole.
Oxymoron is  a single image or idea, made up of contradictory or incongruent images. Paradox is a statement which seems self-contradictory, but turns out to make good sense, and hyperbole is a deliberate  exaggeration to emphasize a point of feelings. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Learning Log 5

I learnt that while approaching an Unseen Poem, we must at least read through the poem twice. The first time without stopping, and the second time, to pick out words and phrases that are difficult to understand or seem interesting. We must also make notes on the poem as this may help remind the reactions and thoughts when reading the poem. Feelings and emotions is also vital when reading a poem.

When approaching Unseen Prose Passage, we have to read at least thrice. Firstly, read it swiftly to get an idea of what the text is about, and also take notes of words or phrases that are difficult. Then, get a better understanding of what is going on, who the characters are and how they relate to one another, and observe the mood and setting. Finally, take a brief look at the questions. Annotate the text, and make notes. Take note of where the answers to the various questions and quotes are.

When reading a poem, we must use PEEL, which is Point, Explain Elaborate, Evidence Example and Link. When quoting, we can use the ABCs which is Attention, Brief and Context.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Learning Log 4

After my group acted the Macbeth play last Monday, I learnt that teamwork is very important. When we were discussing who to do what for play, and also during the play, we had to cooperate and listen to each other's advices to decide what to do. In the end, my group decided that Matthew will do the props, ShuWei will do the sound, and I will do the background pictures.

I feel that almost all the groups did quite well for the Macbeth play as lots of my friends did very creative props and had scary makeups for the play. But not all the groups show much gestures during the play.

Personally, I find that my group did okay, as we did have some background pictures and sounds for play. However, my group did not really have any gestures for the play and I feel that we should have included it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Learning Log 3

Everyone was put into groups of three for the play for Act 1 Scene 1. My group members are Shu Wei and Matthew. We decided our roles for the three witches , and are going to present the play to the class. I feel quite nervous as I'm a little scared that I cannot imitate a witch's voice.

For Act 1 Scene 2, the lines are a little confusing, and I have to spend some time to read and understand all the lines fully. It is about King Duncan asking the injured captain about the latest information about the war, and also about Macbeth fighting with Macdonwald , which eventually, Macbeth won the war.

The discussion on the comic grid was interesting with my group members. Each of us provided creative lines which we share together to improve the sentence for the comic grid. It was also difficult to arrange the story in the boxes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Learning Log 2

The presentation of the three witches by my peers is very interesting, and it takes a lot of courage to perform in front of the whole class. I think that mimicking the three witches voices must be very hard, and needs emotion too. We also have to memorise the original text, which makes the acting harder.

I like the discussion on superstitions, as I get to know lots of other superstitions which I'm unfamiliar with at first. I find the most interesting and scariest superstition is to 'break a mirror and be curse for seven years'. 

The presentation was also very good and I get to know lots of other information on superstitions, other than my group's.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Learning Log 1

Cinquain is a five-line poem, which can be about any topic.
  • The first line should be a title, with only one word. 
  • The second line is the description, with two words.
  • The third line describes the action of the title, with three words and must end with ' -ing '.
  • The fourth line is the feeling of title with four words.
  • The fifth line ends with one word and should be the reflection of the title. 
The lesson includes group work that taught me to respect those who are talking by listening and not interrupting them. The group work also help me get to know more about my friends.

To improve lessons, there can be more games and group work.